Friday, November 26, 2010


We gave thanks on a dreary, rainy day yesterday, but despite the weather the inside of the house was cheerful and steeped in the smells of cooking onions, sage, and garlic.

Squash, corn sticks, cranberry sauce and turkey brine was prepared on Wednesday. The rest we prepared on the day itself- mashed potatoes with butter and garlic; green beans; turkey gravy; giblet stuffing; and of course the bird itself.

We had a wide variety of squash to choose from. We ended up eating the Hubbard on our plates and the pumpkin in a pie.

Sam enjoyed his new Johnny jump up. He loves being able to "stand" and watch what is going on. And of course the jumping.

The family poses before digging in.

And afterwards, feeling full with delicious food and the warmth of family.

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